ZX1-LD600A61 2M

ZX1-LD600A61 2M


The ZX1-LD600A61 2M is a component belonging to the category of semiconductor devices. This product is commonly used in electronic circuits and systems for various applications due to its specific characteristics and functional features.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Semiconductor device
  • Use: Electronic circuits and systems
  • Characteristics: High efficiency, compact size, low power consumption
  • Package: Small form factor package
  • Essence: Optoelectronic component
  • Packaging/Quantity: Typically packaged individually or in reels


The ZX1-LD600A61 2M features the following specifications: - Input Voltage: 3.3V - Output Power: 5mW - Wavelength: 600nm - Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C - Package Type: SMD

Detailed Pin Configuration

The detailed pin configuration of ZX1-LD600A61 2M is as follows: - Pin 1: Anode - Pin 2: Cathode

Functional Features

The functional features of ZX1-LD600A61 2M include: - High efficiency conversion of electrical energy to light - Compact size for integration into small electronic devices - Low power consumption for energy-efficient operation

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High efficiency
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption


  • Limited operating temperature range
  • Sensitivity to electrostatic discharge

Working Principles

The ZX1-LD600A61 2M operates on the principle of electroluminescence, where electrical energy is converted into light through the process of recombination of electron-hole pairs within the semiconductor material.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The ZX1-LD600A61 2M is suitable for various applications including: - Optical sensors - Medical equipment - Industrial automation

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to ZX1-LD600A61 2M include: - ZX1-LD550A61 2M - ZX1-LD650A61 2M - ZX1-LD700A61 2M

In conclusion, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M is a semiconductor device with specific characteristics and functional features that make it suitable for a wide range of electronic applications.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of ZX1-LD600A61 2M in technical solutions

Sure, here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of ZX1-LD600A61 2M in technical solutions:

  1. Q: What is the maximum resolution supported by the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera? A: The ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera supports a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels at 60 frames per second.

  2. Q: Can the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera be used for low-light environments? A: Yes, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera is equipped with low-light sensitivity features, making it suitable for use in low-light environments.

  3. Q: What type of lens mount does the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera support? A: The ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera supports a C-mount lens, providing flexibility for various optical configurations.

  4. Q: Is the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera compatible with USB 3.0 interfaces? A: Yes, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera is designed to be compatible with USB 3.0 interfaces for high-speed data transfer.

  5. Q: Can the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera be integrated with machine vision systems? A: Absolutely, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera is well-suited for integration into machine vision systems for industrial applications.

  6. Q: Does the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera support image compression algorithms? A: Yes, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera supports popular image compression algorithms such as H.264 and H.265 for efficient data storage and transmission.

  7. Q: What operating systems are compatible with the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera? A: The ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, offering versatility for different technical solutions.

  8. Q: Can the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera be used for video conferencing applications? A: While primarily designed for technical imaging solutions, the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera can also be utilized for high-quality video conferencing purposes.

  9. Q: What is the power supply requirement for the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera? A: The ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera operates on a standard 12V DC power supply, ensuring compatibility with common power sources.

  10. Q: Are there software development kits available for the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera? A: Yes, software development kits (SDKs) are provided for the ZX1-LD600A61 2M camera, enabling developers to create custom applications and interfaces.

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