


The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is a precision pressure transducer designed for use in industrial and commercial applications. This entry provides an overview of the product, including its basic information, specifications, detailed pin configuration, functional features, advantages and disadvantages, working principles, detailed application field plans, and alternative models.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Precision Pressure Transducer
  • Use: Measurement and monitoring of pressure in industrial and commercial settings
  • Characteristics: High accuracy, reliability, and durability; suitable for various media types
  • Package: Compact and robust design
  • Essence: Accurate pressure measurement and monitoring
  • Packaging/Quantity: Typically packaged individually


The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 features include: - Pressure Range: [Specify range] - Output: 4-20mA - Accuracy: ±0.5% - Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C - Pressure Connection: [Specify type]

Detailed Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is as follows: - Pin 1: [Function] - Pin 2: [Function] - Pin 3: [Function] - Pin 4: [Function] - Pin 5: [Function]

Functional Features

  • High accuracy and repeatability
  • Robust construction for harsh environments
  • Compatibility with various media types
  • Long-term stability and reliability

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages: - Precise and reliable pressure measurement - Suitable for diverse industrial applications - Robust design for durability

Disadvantages: - Higher initial cost compared to standard transducers - May require specialized installation and maintenance

Working Principles

The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 operates on the principle of converting applied pressure into an electrical signal. This is achieved through the use of a sensitive diaphragm and strain gauge technology, ensuring accurate and consistent pressure measurements.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is well-suited for various applications, including: - Industrial process control - Hydraulic systems - HVAC systems - Aerospace and automotive testing

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Alternative models to the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 include: - Model A: [Brief description] - Model B: [Brief description] - Model C: [Brief description]

In conclusion, the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 precision pressure transducer offers high accuracy, reliability, and durability, making it an ideal choice for demanding industrial and commercial applications.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 in technical solutions

  1. What is the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 used for?

    • The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is a pressure transducer commonly used to measure and transmit pressure readings in technical solutions.
  2. What is the operating range of the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000?

    • The operating range of the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is typically from 0 to 750 psi.
  3. What type of output signal does the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 provide?

    • The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 provides a 4-20mA output signal, which is commonly used in industrial applications.
  4. Is the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 suitable for use in harsh environments?

    • Yes, the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is designed to withstand harsh environments and is often used in industrial and automotive applications.
  5. What is the accuracy of the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000?

    • The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 typically has an accuracy of ±0.25% full scale.
  6. Can the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 be used with different types of fluids?

    • Yes, the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is compatible with a wide range of fluids, including water, oil, and gases.
  7. What are the typical applications for the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000?

    • Typical applications for the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 include hydraulic systems, process control, and HVAC systems.
  8. Does the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 require calibration?

    • Yes, the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 should be calibrated periodically to ensure accurate readings.
  9. Is the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 easy to install?

    • Yes, the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 is designed for easy installation and can be integrated into existing systems with minimal effort.
  10. What is the lifespan of the P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000?

    • The P51-750-S-R-I36-20MA-000-000 has a long lifespan and can operate reliably for many years when properly maintained.
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