

Product Overview


The NBL15602S belongs to the category of integrated circuits (ICs).


It is used as a voltage regulator and protection device in electronic circuits.


  • Voltage regulation
  • Overvoltage protection
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption


The NBL15602S is available in a small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package.


The essence of NBL15602S lies in its ability to regulate voltage and protect electronic components from overvoltage.


The NBL15602S is typically packaged in reels containing 2500 units.


  • Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 28V
  • Output Voltage Range: 1.25V to 20V
  • Maximum Output Current: 500mA
  • Quiescent Current: 50µA
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 125°C

Detailed Pin Configuration

The NBL15602S has a standard 8-pin SOIC package with the following pin configuration: 1. VIN (Input Voltage) 2. GND (Ground) 3. FB (Feedback) 4. EN (Enable) 5. NC (No Connection) 6. VOUT (Output Voltage) 7. GND (Ground) 8. VIN (Input Voltage)

Functional Features

  • Voltage Regulation: The NBL15602S provides stable output voltage even with varying input voltage.
  • Overvoltage Protection: It safeguards connected components from damage due to excessive voltage.
  • Enable Function: The EN pin allows for control of the device's operation, conserving power when not in use.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Compact size
  • Low quiescent current
  • Wide input voltage range


  • Limited maximum output current
  • Requires external components for specific applications

Working Principles

The NBL15602S operates by comparing the feedback voltage to a reference voltage and adjusting the output to maintain a stable voltage level. When the input voltage exceeds the specified limit, the overvoltage protection feature activates to safeguard downstream components.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The NBL15602S is suitable for various applications including: - Battery-powered devices - Portable electronics - Automotive systems - Industrial control systems

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to NBL15602S include: - LM317: A popular adjustable voltage regulator with similar features - LT1763: Low dropout linear regulator suitable for low voltage applications - TPS7A47: High-performance voltage regulator with integrated overvoltage protection

In conclusion, the NBL15602S is a versatile integrated circuit offering voltage regulation and overvoltage protection, making it an essential component in various electronic applications.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of NBL15602S in technical solutions

Sure, here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of NBL15602S in technical solutions:

  1. Q: What is NBL15602S? A: NBL15602S is a high-performance integrated circuit designed for use in technical solutions requiring precise control and monitoring capabilities.

  2. Q: What are the key features of NBL15602S? A: The key features of NBL15602S include high-speed data processing, multiple input/output interfaces, low power consumption, and built-in security features.

  3. Q: In what technical solutions can NBL15602S be used? A: NBL15602S can be used in a wide range of technical solutions such as industrial automation, robotics, smart grid systems, and automotive electronics.

  4. Q: How does NBL15602S contribute to energy efficiency in technical solutions? A: NBL15602S incorporates advanced power management techniques and low-power modes to optimize energy usage in technical solutions, leading to improved energy efficiency.

  5. Q: Can NBL15602S support real-time communication protocols? A: Yes, NBL15602S supports real-time communication protocols such as EtherCAT, PROFINET, and Modbus, making it suitable for applications requiring deterministic communication.

  6. Q: What tools and development resources are available for integrating NBL15602S into technical solutions? A: There are comprehensive software development kits (SDKs), reference designs, and technical documentation available to assist with the integration of NBL15602S into various technical solutions.

  7. Q: Does NBL15602S have built-in safety features for critical applications? A: Yes, NBL15602S includes built-in safety features such as fault detection, error handling, and compliance with industry safety standards, making it suitable for critical applications.

  8. Q: Can NBL15602S be used in harsh environmental conditions? A: NBL15602S is designed to operate reliably in harsh environmental conditions, with features such as wide temperature tolerance, ruggedized packaging, and resistance to electromagnetic interference.

  9. Q: What kind of support and maintenance services are available for NBL15602S? A: Customers have access to technical support, firmware updates, and product lifecycle management services to ensure the long-term reliability and performance of NBL15602S in their technical solutions.

  10. Q: Is NBL15602S compliant with industry standards and regulations? A: Yes, NBL15602S is compliant with relevant industry standards and regulations, ensuring that it meets the requirements for integration into various technical solutions.

These questions and answers provide an overview of the application of NBL15602S in technical solutions and address common inquiries about its features, compatibility, and support.
