
AOM-4540L Product Encyclopedia Entry

Product Overview

The AOM-4540L belongs to the category of optoelectronic components and is used for light detection and sensing applications. Its characteristics include high sensitivity, low power consumption, and compact packaging. The product is typically packaged in a small surface-mount device (SMD) package and is available in various quantities per package.


  • Sensitivity: High sensitivity in the visible and near-infrared spectrum
  • Power Consumption: Low power consumption for energy-efficient operation
  • Package: Small surface-mount device (SMD) package
  • Quantity: Available in various quantities per package

Detailed Pin Configuration

The AOM-4540L features a standard pin configuration with specific pins designated for power supply, signal output, and ground connection. The detailed pinout is as follows: - Pin 1: Power Supply - Pin 2: Signal Output - Pin 3: Ground

Functional Features

  • High Sensitivity: The AOM-4540L offers high sensitivity for accurate light detection.
  • Low Power Consumption: It consumes minimal power, making it suitable for battery-operated devices.
  • Compact Design: The compact SMD package enables easy integration into various electronic systems.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High sensitivity for precise light detection
  • Low power consumption for energy efficiency
  • Compact packaging for space-constrained applications


  • Limited operating temperature range
  • Susceptibility to ambient light interference in certain environments

Working Principles

The AOM-4540L operates based on the principle of photoelectric effect, where incident light photons generate electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor material, leading to a measurable electrical signal. This signal is then processed to determine the intensity and characteristics of the detected light.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The AOM-4540L is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including: - Ambient light sensing in consumer electronics - Proximity sensing in mobile devices - Industrial automation for light detection and control - Medical devices for non-invasive optical sensing

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

  • AOM-4530L: Similar characteristics with a different package size
  • AOM-4550L: Higher sensitivity variant for specialized applications
  • AOM-4600L: Enhanced temperature range and ruggedized design for harsh environments

This comprehensive range of alternative models provides flexibility in selecting the most suitable optoelectronic component for specific application requirements.

In conclusion, the AOM-4540L offers high sensitivity, low power consumption, and a compact design, making it an ideal choice for various light detection and sensing applications across different industries.

Word count: 345

List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of AOM-4540L in technical solutions

  1. What is AOM-4540L?

    • AOM-4540L is a high-performance optical modulator designed for use in advanced optical communication systems.
  2. What are the key features of AOM-4540L?

    • The key features of AOM-4540L include high extinction ratio, low insertion loss, wide bandwidth, and compact size.
  3. How is AOM-4540L typically used in technical solutions?

    • AOM-4540L is commonly used in applications such as optical signal processing, fiber optic sensing, and coherent communication systems.
  4. What is the operating wavelength range of AOM-4540L?

    • AOM-4540L operates in the C-band wavelength range, typically from 1525 nm to 1565 nm.
  5. What are the typical modulation formats supported by AOM-4540L?

    • AOM-4540L supports various modulation formats including amplitude modulation (AM), phase modulation (PM), and frequency modulation (FM).
  6. What are the environmental specifications for AOM-4540L?

    • AOM-4540L is designed to operate within a specified temperature range and can withstand certain levels of humidity and vibration.
  7. Can AOM-4540L be integrated into existing optical communication systems?

    • Yes, AOM-4540L is designed for easy integration into existing optical communication systems and can be customized to meet specific system requirements.
  8. What are the typical power requirements for AOM-4540L?

    • AOM-4540L typically operates with low power consumption and can be powered using standard DC power supplies.
  9. Are there any recommended best practices for using AOM-4540L in technical solutions?

    • It is recommended to carefully follow the manufacturer's guidelines for handling, mounting, and driving AOM-4540L to ensure optimal performance.
  10. Where can I find additional technical documentation and support for AOM-4540L?

    • Additional technical documentation and support for AOM-4540L can be obtained from the manufacturer's website or through their customer support channels.