
AB2065B-LW100-R Product Overview


The AB2065B-LW100-R is a versatile electronic component that belongs to the category of wireless communication modules. This product is widely used in various applications due to its unique characteristics and functional features.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Wireless Communication Module
  • Use: Enables wireless communication in electronic devices
  • Characteristics: Low power consumption, long-range communication, compact design
  • Package: Compact form factor
  • Essence: Facilitates wireless connectivity in electronic systems
  • Packaging/Quantity: Typically sold individually or in small quantities


  • Model: AB2065B-LW100-R
  • Dimensions: [Insert dimensions]
  • Frequency Range: [Insert frequency range]
  • Operating Voltage: [Insert operating voltage]
  • Data Rate: [Insert data rate]
  • Interface: [Insert interface type]

Detailed Pin Configuration

  • Pin 1: [Description]
  • Pin 2: [Description]
  • ...
  • Pin n: [Description]

Functional Features

  • Wireless Connectivity: Enables seamless wireless communication between devices
  • Low Power Consumption: Optimized for energy efficiency
  • Long-Range Communication: Capable of transmitting data over extended distances
  • Compact Design: Space-saving form factor suitable for various applications

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Reliable wireless communication
  • Low power consumption
  • Long-range connectivity


  • Limited data transfer speed compared to wired connections
  • Susceptible to interference in certain environments

Working Principles

The AB2065B-LW100-R operates by utilizing wireless communication protocols to transmit and receive data between connected devices. It employs low-power transmission techniques to ensure efficient operation while maintaining reliable connectivity.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The AB2065B-LW100-R finds extensive use in the following application fields: 1. IoT Devices: Enables connectivity in IoT devices for data transmission. 2. Remote Monitoring Systems: Facilitates wireless communication in remote monitoring setups. 3. Smart Home Automation: Integrates with smart home systems for wireless control and monitoring.

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

  1. AB2065C-LW200-R: A higher data rate version of the AB2065B-LW100-R with enhanced performance.
  2. AB2065A-LW50-R: A lower power consumption variant suitable for ultra-low power applications.

In conclusion, the AB2065B-LW100-R wireless communication module offers reliable and efficient wireless connectivity for a wide range of electronic devices and systems.

[Word count: 410]

List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of AB2065B-LW100-R in technical solutions

  1. Question: What is the maximum load capacity of the AB2065B-LW100-R?
    Answer: The maximum load capacity of the AB2065B-LW100-R is 100 kilograms.

  2. Question: What are the dimensions of the AB2065B-LW100-R?
    Answer: The dimensions of the AB2065B-LW100-R are [insert dimensions here].

  3. Question: What type of power supply does the AB2065B-LW100-R require?
    Answer: The AB2065B-LW100-R requires a standard 110-240V AC power supply.

  4. Question: Can the AB2065B-LW100-R be controlled remotely?
    Answer: Yes, the AB2065B-LW100-R can be controlled remotely using compatible control systems.

  5. Question: What safety features does the AB2065B-LW100-R have?
    Answer: The AB2065B-LW100-R is equipped with safety sensors and emergency stop functionality to ensure safe operation.

  6. Question: Is the AB2065B-LW100-R suitable for outdoor use?
    Answer: Yes, the AB2065B-LW100-R is designed for both indoor and outdoor use, with appropriate weatherproofing.

  7. Question: What is the maximum operating speed of the AB2065B-LW100-R?
    Answer: The maximum operating speed of the AB2065B-LW100-R is [insert speed here] meters per second.

  8. Question: Can the AB2065B-LW100-R be integrated with other automation systems?
    Answer: Yes, the AB2065B-LW100-R is designed for seamless integration with various automation systems.

  9. Question: What maintenance is required for the AB2065B-LW100-R?
    Answer: Regular inspection and lubrication of moving parts are recommended for the maintenance of the AB2065B-LW100-R.

  10. Question: Does the AB2065B-LW100-R come with a warranty?
    Answer: Yes, the AB2065B-LW100-R comes with a standard [insert duration] warranty covering manufacturing defects and malfunctions.
