
AB2036B Product Overview

Product Category

AB2036B belongs to the category of integrated circuits (ICs) and specifically falls under the family of voltage regulators.

Basic Information Overview

  • Use: The AB2036B is used as a voltage regulator to maintain a stable output voltage in electronic circuits.
  • Characteristics: It features high efficiency, low dropout voltage, and thermal shutdown protection.
  • Package: The AB2036B comes in a small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package.
  • Essence: Its essence lies in providing reliable voltage regulation for various electronic applications.
  • Packaging/Quantity: It is typically packaged in reels containing a specific quantity per reel.


The AB2036B has the following specifications: - Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 28V - Output Voltage Range: 1.25V to 20V - Maximum Output Current: 3A - Dropout Voltage: 0.6V at 3A - Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 125°C

Detailed Pin Configuration

The AB2036B has a standard pin configuration with input, output, and ground pins, along with additional pins for enable and feedback.

Functional Features

  • Voltage Regulation: The AB2036B provides precise and stable output voltage regulation, ensuring consistent performance of connected electronic components.
  • Thermal Shutdown Protection: It incorporates thermal shutdown protection to prevent damage from excessive heat.
  • Low Dropout Voltage: With a low dropout voltage, it can maintain regulation even when the input voltage is close to the output voltage.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High efficiency
  • Wide input voltage range
  • Thermal shutdown protection
  • Low dropout voltage


  • Sensitive to improper handling during assembly

Working Principles

The AB2036B operates by comparing the actual output voltage to a reference voltage and adjusting the internal circuitry to maintain the desired output voltage. It utilizes feedback mechanisms to achieve this regulation.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The AB2036B finds application in various fields such as: - Power supply units for consumer electronics - Automotive electronics - Industrial control systems - Telecommunications equipment

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to the AB2036B include: - LM317 - LM7805 - LT1083

In conclusion, the AB2036B serves as a reliable voltage regulator with high efficiency and robust protection features, making it suitable for diverse electronic applications.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of AB2036B in technical solutions

  1. What is AB2036B?

    • AB2036B is a type of epoxy resin commonly used in technical solutions for its high strength and chemical resistance.
  2. How is AB2036B applied in technical solutions?

    • AB2036B is typically applied as an adhesive, coating, or potting compound in electronic and industrial applications.
  3. What are the key properties of AB2036B that make it suitable for technical solutions?

    • AB2036B exhibits excellent adhesion, thermal stability, and resistance to chemicals and moisture, making it ideal for demanding technical environments.
  4. Can AB2036B be used for bonding different materials in technical solutions?

    • Yes, AB2036B can effectively bond various substrates including metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites in technical solutions.
  5. What curing methods are compatible with AB2036B in technical applications?

    • AB2036B can be cured at room temperature or with heat, offering flexibility in different technical solution scenarios.
  6. Is AB2036B suitable for outdoor or harsh environmental conditions in technical solutions?

    • Yes, AB2036B is known for its durability and can withstand exposure to UV, moisture, and extreme temperatures in technical applications.
  7. Are there any safety considerations when working with AB2036B in technical solutions?

    • It's important to follow proper handling and ventilation procedures when using AB2036B, as it may emit fumes during curing.
  8. Can AB2036B be modified or combined with other materials for specific technical requirements?

    • Yes, AB2036B can be formulated with additives or fillers to enhance certain properties based on the needs of the technical solution.
  9. What are the recommended storage conditions for AB2036B in technical applications?

    • AB2036B should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its shelf life and performance in technical solutions.
  10. How can the performance of AB2036B in technical solutions be tested or evaluated?

    • The performance of AB2036B can be assessed through mechanical testing, chemical resistance tests, and long-term exposure studies relevant to the specific technical application.