
8113-254002 Product Encyclopedia Entry

Product Overview


The 8113-254002 belongs to the category of electronic components.


It is used for electrical connections and signal transmission in various electronic devices and systems.


  • High conductivity
  • Compact size
  • Durable construction


The 8113-254002 is typically packaged in a protective casing to ensure safe handling and storage.


This product serves as a crucial component in ensuring efficient electrical connectivity within electronic circuits.


The 8113-254002 is commonly available in packs containing multiple units, with variations based on manufacturer specifications.


  • Material: Conductive metal alloy
  • Dimensions: Varies based on specific model
  • Voltage Rating: Dependent on application
  • Current Capacity: Determined by design and usage parameters

Detailed Pin Configuration

The 8113-254002 features a standardized pin configuration, with specific pin assignments tailored to its intended use within electronic circuits.

Functional Features

  • Reliable electrical connectivity
  • Compatibility with standard electronic interfaces
  • Resistance to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Facilitates efficient signal transmission
  • Compact design for space-constrained applications
  • Durable construction for long-term reliability


  • Limited current capacity compared to larger connectors
  • May require specialized tools for installation and removal

Working Principles

The 8113-254002 operates based on the principles of electrical conductivity and contact resistance, enabling the seamless transfer of signals within electronic systems.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The 8113-254002 finds extensive use in: - Consumer electronics - Automotive electronics - Industrial control systems - Telecommunications equipment

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

  • 8113-254001
  • 8113-254003
  • 8113-254004
  • [Insert additional alternative models]

In conclusion, the 8113-254002 plays a vital role in ensuring reliable electrical connectivity within diverse electronic applications, offering a balance of compact design and efficient performance.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 8113-254002 in technical solutions

Sure, here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 8113-254002 in technical solutions:

  1. What is 8113-254002?

    • 8113-254002 is a specific type of component or material used in technical solutions, such as electronic circuits or mechanical systems.
  2. What are the key properties of 8113-254002?

    • The key properties of 8113-254002 may include its electrical conductivity, thermal resistance, durability, and compatibility with other materials.
  3. How is 8113-254002 typically used in technical solutions?

    • 8113-254002 may be used as a conductor, insulator, structural component, or for other specific purposes within technical solutions.
  4. What are the advantages of using 8113-254002 in technical solutions?

    • The advantages of using 8113-254002 may include its reliability, performance under specific conditions, and cost-effectiveness compared to alternative materials.
  5. Are there any limitations or considerations when using 8113-254002 in technical solutions?

    • Some limitations or considerations may include its compatibility with other materials, environmental factors, and potential degradation over time.
  6. Can 8113-254002 be replaced with alternative materials in technical solutions?

    • Depending on the specific requirements, 8113-254002 may have alternative materials that can be used, but it's important to consider the impact on performance and functionality.
  7. What are the best practices for integrating 8113-254002 into technical solutions?

    • Best practices may include proper handling, installation techniques, maintenance procedures, and adherence to industry standards.
  8. Are there any safety or regulatory considerations when using 8113-254002 in technical solutions?

    • It's important to ensure compliance with safety regulations, environmental standards, and any specific guidelines related to the use of 8113-254002.
  9. How can I determine the quality and authenticity of 8113-254002 for my technical solution?

    • Quality and authenticity can be verified through reputable suppliers, certification documentation, and testing procedures to validate the material's properties.
  10. Where can I find additional resources or support for using 8113-254002 in technical solutions?

    • Additional resources and support may be available from manufacturers, industry associations, technical forums, and professional consultants specializing in materials and components.

I hope these questions and answers provide helpful insights into the application of 8113-254002 in technical solutions. Let me know if you need further assistance!
