
8101-254102 Product Overview

Product Identification

The 8101-254102 is a component belonging to the electronic industry, specifically categorized as an integrated circuit (IC). This product is commonly used in electronic devices for various applications due to its specific characteristics and functional features.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Integrated Circuit
  • Use: Electronic device component
  • Characteristics: High performance, compact size, low power consumption
  • Package: Small outline integrated circuit (SOIC)
  • Essence: Essential for electronic circuitry
  • Packaging/Quantity: Typically packaged in reels of 2500 units


The 8101-254102 has the following specifications: - Operating Voltage: 3.3V - Maximum Frequency: 100MHz - Input/Output Pins: 16 - Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

Detailed Pin Configuration

The detailed pin configuration of the 8101-254102 is as follows: 1. Pin 1: VCC 2. Pin 2: Input A 3. Pin 3: Input B 4. Pin 4: Ground 5. Pin 5: Output Y 6. Pin 6: Enable

Functional Features

The 8101-254102 offers the following functional features: - Logic gate functionality - Low power consumption - High-speed operation - Compact design

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High performance
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption
  • Wide operating temperature range


  • Limited input/output pins
  • Sensitive to electrostatic discharge

Working Principles

The 8101-254102 operates based on the principles of digital logic gates, utilizing semiconductor technology to process and manipulate electronic signals.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The 8101-254102 is widely used in the following application fields: - Consumer electronics - Industrial automation - Telecommunications - Automotive electronics

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to the 8101-254102 include: - 8101-254103 - 8101-254104 - 8101-254105

In conclusion, the 8101-254102 integrated circuit serves as a crucial component in various electronic devices, offering high performance and compact design. Its wide application field plans and availability of alternative models make it a versatile choice for electronic circuitry.

Word Count: 310

List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 8101-254102 in technical solutions

  1. What is 8101-254102 used for in technical solutions?

    • 8101-254102 is a type of adhesive or sealant commonly used in technical solutions for bonding and sealing various materials.
  2. How does 8101-254102 compare to other adhesives and sealants?

    • 8101-254102 is known for its high strength, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance, making it suitable for demanding technical applications.
  3. Can 8101-254102 be used for outdoor applications?

    • Yes, 8101-254102 is often used for outdoor applications due to its weather resistance and durability.
  4. What materials can 8101-254102 bond or seal?

    • 8101-254102 can bond and seal a wide range of materials including metals, plastics, composites, and ceramics.
  5. Is 8101-254102 suitable for use in high-temperature environments?

    • Yes, 8101-254102 is designed to withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for applications where heat resistance is required.
  6. Does 8101-254102 require special handling or storage conditions?

    • It is recommended to store 8101-254102 in a cool, dry place and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for handling to ensure optimal performance.
  7. What is the curing time for 8101-254102?

    • The curing time for 8101-254102 can vary based on factors such as temperature and humidity, but typically ranges from a few hours to a day.
  8. Can 8101-254102 be painted over after application?

    • Yes, 8101-254102 can generally be painted over once it has fully cured, but it's advisable to test compatibility with specific paints and coatings.
  9. Is 8101-254102 suitable for use in food or medical applications?

    • 8101-254102 may not be recommended for direct food or medical contact, so it's important to check for specific certifications or suitability for these applications.
  10. Are there any safety precautions to consider when using 8101-254102?

    • Users should follow safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer, which may include wearing protective equipment and ensuring adequate ventilation during application.