2403 263 00143

2403 263 00143 Product Overview

Product Identification - Product Name: 2403 263 00143 - Category: Electronic Component - Use: Electrical connection and signal transmission - Characteristics: Small form factor, high durability, precision engineering - Package: Sealed plastic packaging - Essence: Facilitates electrical connections in various devices - Packaging/Quantity: Typically sold in packs of 100 units

Specifications - Dimensions: 2.5mm x 1.5mm x 1mm - Material: Copper alloy with nickel plating - Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C - Voltage Rating: 250V - Current Rating: 3A

Detailed Pin Configuration - Pin 1: Signal Input - Pin 2: Ground - Pin 3: Signal Output

Functional Features - High conductivity for efficient signal transmission - Compact design for space-constrained applications - Durable construction for long-term reliability

Advantages and Disadvantages - Advantages: Small size, high durability, reliable performance - Disadvantages: Limited current capacity, may require specialized tools for installation

Working Principles The 2403 263 00143 facilitates the transmission of electrical signals by providing a secure and reliable connection between electronic components.

Detailed Application Field Plans - Consumer Electronics: Used in smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices - Automotive: Integrated into vehicle control systems and infotainment units - Industrial Equipment: Employed in automation and control systems

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models - 2403 263 00144: Similar specifications with enhanced current rating - 2403 263 00142: Lower profile variant for ultra-compact applications

This comprehensive entry provides an in-depth understanding of the 2403 263 00143, covering its basic information, specifications, functional features, advantages and disadvantages, working principles, application field plans, and alternative models.

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List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 2403 263 00143 in technical solutions

  1. What is 2403 263 00143?

    • 2403 263 00143 is a specific part number used in technical solutions, often for electronic or mechanical components.
  2. Where can I find 2403 263 00143?

    • You can typically find 2403 263 00143 through authorized distributors, online marketplaces, or directly from the manufacturer.
  3. What are the technical specifications of 2403 263 00143?

    • The technical specifications of 2403 263 00143 may include dimensions, voltage ratings, current ratings, temperature ranges, and other relevant parameters depending on its application.
  4. How do I integrate 2403 263 00143 into my technical solution?

    • Integrating 2403 263 00143 into your technical solution involves understanding its compatibility with existing components, wiring or soldering connections, and ensuring proper power supply and environmental conditions.
  5. What are the common applications of 2403 263 00143?

    • Common applications of 2403 263 00143 may include circuit boards, control systems, sensors, actuators, and various electronic or mechanical devices.
  6. Are there any alternative parts that can be used in place of 2403 263 00143?

    • Depending on the specific requirements, there may be alternative parts with similar functionality that can be used as substitutes for 2403 263 00143.
  7. What are the potential issues or challenges when using 2403 263 00143?

    • Potential issues may include compatibility problems, sourcing difficulties, performance limitations, or environmental constraints.
  8. How do I troubleshoot problems related to 2403 263 00143 in my technical solution?

    • Troubleshooting problems with 2403 263 00143 involves checking for proper connections, testing for faulty components, and consulting technical documentation or support resources.
  9. What are the best practices for maintaining 2403 263 00143 in technical solutions?

    • Best practices for maintaining 2403 263 00143 may include regular inspection, cleaning, proper storage, and adherence to operating conditions specified by the manufacturer.
  10. Where can I get technical support or further information about 2403 263 00143?

    • Technical support and further information about 2403 263 00143 can be obtained from the manufacturer, authorized distributors, or online forums and communities dedicated to technical solutions.