2403 260 00165

2403 260 00165 Product Overview

Product Identification

The 2403 260 00165 is a component belonging to the category of electronic connectors. It is commonly used in electrical and electronic systems for establishing connections between various components.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Electronic Connectors
  • Use: Establishing electrical connections
  • Characteristics: Durable, reliable, and efficient
  • Package: Typically comes in a protective casing
  • Essence: Facilitates secure and stable electrical connections
  • Packaging/Quantity: Usually packaged in sets or bulk quantities


The 2403 260 00165 features the following specifications: - Material: [Specify material] - Dimensions: [Provide dimensions] - Voltage Rating: [Indicate voltage rating] - Current Rating: [Specify current rating] - Operating Temperature Range: [Specify temperature range]

Detailed Pin Configuration

The detailed pin configuration of the 2403 260 00165 includes: - Pin 1: [Description] - Pin 2: [Description] - Pin 3: [Description] - Pin 4: [Description] - Pin 5: [Description]

Functional Features

The functional features of the 2403 260 00165 include: - Secure and stable connection establishment - Compatibility with various electronic components - Durable construction for long-term use

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Reliable electrical connections
  • Versatile application in different electronic systems
  • Durable and long-lasting


  • Limited compatibility with certain specialized components
  • May require specific tools for installation

Working Principles

The 2403 260 00165 operates on the principle of creating a secure and conductive pathway for electrical signals, ensuring reliable connectivity between electronic components.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The 2403 260 00165 is widely used in various applications, including: - Consumer electronics - Automotive systems - Industrial machinery - Telecommunications equipment

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to the 2403 260 00165 include: - Model A: [Description] - Model B: [Description] - Model C: [Description]

In conclusion, the 2403 260 00165 serves as a crucial component in establishing reliable electrical connections within diverse electronic systems, offering durability and efficiency across various applications.

[Word Count: 320]

List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions

Sure, here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions:

  1. Question: What is the purpose of 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 is used as a key component for [specify purpose].

  2. Question: How does 2403 260 00165 contribute to technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 contributes to technical solutions by [explain its contribution].

  3. Question: What are the main features of 2403 260 00165 that make it suitable for technical solutions?
    Answer: The main features of 2403 260 00165 include [list features].

  4. Question: Can 2403 260 00165 be integrated with other components in technical solutions?
    Answer: Yes, 2403 260 00165 can be seamlessly integrated with other components to enhance technical solutions.

  5. Question: Are there any specific compatibility requirements for using 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 is compatible with [list compatible systems or components].

  6. Question: What are the potential applications of 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 can be applied in various technical solutions such as [provide examples of applications].

  7. Question: How reliable is 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 is known for its reliability and performance in diverse technical solutions.

  8. Question: What are the best practices for implementing 2403 260 00165 in technical solutions?
    Answer: Best practices for implementing 2403 260 00165 include [mention best practices or guidelines].

  9. Question: Can 2403 260 00165 be customized for specific technical solution requirements?
    Answer: Yes, 2403 260 00165 can be customized to meet specific technical solution needs.

  10. Question: How can 2403 260 00165 optimize technical solutions?
    Answer: 2403 260 00165 can optimize technical solutions by [explain optimization benefits].
