2403 260 00087

2403 260 00087 Product Overview

Product Category: Electronic Component

Use: This product is used as a voltage regulator in electronic circuits to maintain a stable output voltage.

Characteristics: The 2403 260 00087 is known for its high precision, low dropout voltage, and low quiescent current. It is designed to operate in a wide input voltage range and is suitable for various applications.

Package: The product is available in a small surface-mount package, making it suitable for compact electronic designs.

Essence: The essence of the 2403 260 00087 lies in its ability to provide reliable voltage regulation in diverse electronic systems.

Packaging/Quantity: The product is typically supplied in reels containing a specific quantity, ensuring convenient handling during manufacturing processes.


  • Input Voltage Range: 4V to 36V
  • Output Voltage: Adjustable from 1.2V to 35V
  • Dropout Voltage: 300mV at 1A
  • Quiescent Current: 100µA
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 125°C

Detailed Pin Configuration

The 2403 260 00087 features a standard three-pin configuration: 1. Vin (Input Voltage) 2. Vout (Output Voltage) 3. GND (Ground)

Functional Features

  • High Precision: Provides accurate and stable output voltage.
  • Low Dropout Voltage: Ensures efficient operation even with small input-output differentials.
  • Low Quiescent Current: Minimizes power consumption in standby or idle modes.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages: - Wide input voltage range allows for versatile application. - Small package size enables integration into space-constrained designs. - Low dropout voltage enhances efficiency in power-sensitive applications.

Disadvantages: - Limited maximum output current compared to some alternative models. - May require additional external components for specific applications.

Working Principles

The 2403 260 00087 operates by comparing the output voltage to a reference voltage and adjusting the internal circuitry to maintain a constant output voltage despite variations in input voltage and load conditions.

Detailed Application Field Plans

This voltage regulator is commonly utilized in: - Battery-powered devices - Automotive electronics - Industrial control systems - Portable consumer electronics

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models to consider include: - 2403 260 00088 - 2403 260 00089 - 2403 260 00090

These alternatives offer varying specifications and features to suit different application requirements.

Word Count: 320

List 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 2403 260 00087 in technical solutions

Sure, here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 2403 260 00087 in technical solutions:

  1. What is the purpose of 2403 260 00087 in technical solutions?

    • Answer: 2403 260 00087 is a component used for [specific purpose].
  2. How does 2403 260 00087 contribute to technical solutions?

    • Answer: 2403 260 00087 contributes to technical solutions by [explaining its function or role].
  3. What are the key features of 2403 260 00087 that make it suitable for technical solutions?

    • Answer: The key features of 2403 260 00087 include [list of features such as durability, compatibility, etc.].
  4. Are there any limitations or considerations when using 2403 260 00087 in technical solutions?

    • Answer: When using 2403 260 00087, it's important to consider [relevant limitations or considerations such as environmental factors, maintenance, etc.].
  5. Can 2403 260 00087 be integrated with other components in technical solutions?

    • Answer: Yes, 2403 260 00087 can be integrated with other components to enhance the functionality of technical solutions.
  6. What are the best practices for installing and maintaining 2403 260 00087 in technical solutions?

    • Answer: Best practices for installing and maintaining 2403 260 00087 include [providing relevant guidelines or procedures].
  7. Does 2403 260 00087 require any specific certifications or standards compliance for use in technical solutions?

    • Answer: Yes, 2403 260 00087 may require [certifications or standards compliance] for use in certain technical solutions.
  8. What are the potential applications or industries where 2403 260 00087 is commonly used in technical solutions?

    • Answer: 2403 260 00087 is commonly used in [list of potential applications or industries such as automotive, aerospace, etc.].
  9. Is there ongoing research or development related to 2403 260 00087 for improving its application in technical solutions?

    • Answer: Ongoing research and development related to 2403 260 00087 aim to [explain the focus of research or development efforts].
  10. Where can 2403 260 00087 be sourced or purchased for use in technical solutions?

    • Answer: 2403 260 00087 can be sourced or purchased from [relevant suppliers or distributors].